April 5, 2010

Feel & Sort - Hard vs Soft

I saw this activity on No Time For Flashcards. I put random objects from around the house into this empty kleenex box. B pulled objects out to identify and sorted them onto the paper. B loved this and kept asking to do it over and over again. You might be asking how this experience applies to real life...."Don't throw that, B, it is too hard to throw. Only throw soft things in the house!". Ok so the activity hasn't solved the problem YET but at least I know he understands the concept and knows what I'm talking about!

Other Concepts to Feel and Sort:
long and short
rough and smooth
skinny and fat
upper and lowercase letters


  1. This is a great activity - thanks for sharing!

  2. I've tried that a couple of times and it has never worked for me. Which is a shame because it's a cool activity.
