February 26, 2011

Baby Activity - Learning to Match

I was looking back on my "Where and When to Start" post and it made me want to see how N responded to matching now that she is 12 months old. I didn't think she was ready for any of the printable matching activities I suggested in that post so I tried to have her match Pez.

I used cups to put each of the pairs in. After about 5 days of doing it by myself, talking about it in front of her, acting like matching these Pez was soooo fun, and her grabbing both bunnies and running away, I decided that maybe she isn't ready and that I'd try again in a few weeks. =)

I still wanted to share this idea though because I think this concrete way of matching is a great way to introduce it.


  1. It's a good idea.Sometimes they seem as not understanding anything and one day they just do it.

  2. We have a Little People Noah's Ark set with pairs of animals. We starting matching with those. Just thought I'd share an alternative to always doing printables.

  3. JDaniel would love opening and closing these.

  4. My one year old loves to play with the Pez dispensers too! But I love how you made an educational activity out it. ;)

