February 28, 2011

How Many? Introduction to Estimating

Each morning for the past few weeks I've put a handful of something in a clear, plastic jar for our family to guess the amount of.

So far I've tried 1-20 of the following objects: bouncy balls, dominoes, pom poms, noodles, coins, buttons, and ketchup packets.

Dad has developed the role of putting ridiculous guesses down which we laugh about and B really enjoys getting to actually dump and count them.

We've had so much fun with this activity and at the same time it has been great for estimating, counting, more/less, beginning reading skills, and beginning writing skills!


  1. JDaniel would try to make up a fun number too.

  2. great idea for estmating , counting thanks

  3. I am buzzing with inspiration reading your ideas, thanks for sharing!!! I like that you have a lot of activities that promote critical thinking, like this one.

  4. So pleased I found your blog via Let's Explore - so many great ideas! Thank you!
