May 17, 2011

Build a Cup Tower

Build a cup tower by putting 4 paper or plastic cups in each layer, separated with pieces of cardstock or construction paper. How tall can you build your cup tower? Can you make it using 3 cups in each layer? What about 2? Have fun experimenting!


  1. Looks like fun for any age!! My girls would like to do this, but little brother will frustrate them and keep knocking it down as he giggles and runs away! Glad to be back to the blogging world- just got a new computer! Woo Hoo! Hope that you are doing well.

    Creative and Curious Kids!

  2. I like this a LOT!!! Thanks for sharing!

  3. What a lovely, practical math/engineering activity! I'm going to dig out some plastic cups and give this a go.

  4. This would be great to do at a picnic with little ones.

  5. Fun idea and simple, but even little ones could do it. I am hosting a park playdate next week and I think I am bringing this idea in case it's hot and the kiddos need a "task" to do when cooling off under the picnic shelter. Thanks for all your great ideas. LOVE THEM!

  6. This looks like it was a ton of fun! I love how simple it is and yet can be expanded!

  7. Great idea!!! My toddler love sto stack- and then demolish. She would really like a new thing to build with:)

  8. We love stacking cups around here - yogurt containers, bathroom cups, plastic cups, etc! Thanks for linking up and sharing this with the Smart Summer Challenge!

    pink and green mama

  9. This would be fun to "decorate" with bottle caps, blocks, beads etc. It would look like a giant layer cake.
