June 18, 2011

Displaying Independence - July 4th Link Up

“The greatest gifts you can give your children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence.” 
~Denis Waitley 

How are you children displaying independence?

Are they trying to do more and more things on their own?

Are they scaling trees in your yard or learning to tie their own shoes?

What are they trying to do by themselves without help?

On July 4th the moms of Mom Loop would love for you to link up posts of your children displaying their independence. Your post could be all words or pictures or a mixture of both.

You can post your link on any of the blogs listed below. We would love for you to display this button or link to any of our blogs on your post.

Blog Hosts are the following:
The Activity MomJune Clever Nirvana, Milk and Cuddles and Quirky Momma along with me.
We are all co-community leaders of Mom Loop!

Hope to see you there! 


  1. fun I have a week long curriculum I'm posting monday for the 4th I'll link up that!

  2. This fits in perfectly with my life with a five-year-old. :) I love the quote.
