June 7, 2011

Flower Word Garden

The Moffatt Girls is sharing these free, printable word family flowers!

B loves them and is so proud of himself that he can read many of the words. Instead of putting them on the wall to make a garden, I put them on a ring for him to flip through. When he learns a word family, he gets to add that flower to the ring.

We also played a game with the flowers. I'd ask B to cover up a certain word with a pom pom or garden stone and he would transfer the pom pom over with tongs and put it on the word. Just a fun way to sneak in some extra reading practice!

If you have a beginning reader, check out these printables at The Moffatt Girls!


  1. Thank you for such a kind post!! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the ring...I will be doing that as soon as we finish our garden:)
