June 9, 2011

Playing with Words

We've done a lot with these large, foam letter squares and B and I found one more way to use them. We had fun playing with words! This game (that B made up) was inspired by Leapfrog's Talking Words Factory DVD (an awesome sequel to Letter Factory).

B would make a word. Then, we would take turns changing one letter of the word to make a new word. For example, he made the word "box". Then, I changed it to "fox". He changed it to "fix" and I changed it to "mix". The game can be as long or as short as you want it to be. We also sang some of the Talking Words Factory songs and danced around which is optional of course. =) 

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  1. Cute idea!!! And can be done with any puzzle game!

  2. Perfect! We have done something similar with our foam letters but I'm going to have us re-watch Talking Words Factory and get the letters out again. Thank you for another great idea.

  3. Fun! Your little guy knows his letter sounds. I haven't seen Talking Words Factory. Sounds like a good learning tool. Everything you've done with your son seems to have worked!

    Hop on Pop is one of my favorite books to share with a child who knows short vowel sounds. Kids love to jump in and share the reading after the book has been read to them a few times.
