August 3, 2011

Sorting Coins

B has been really interested in money lately and I'm anxious for him to learn about it. We started with just sorting and talking about the different coins. We took them out of his bank to sort which added some excitement and counted them after we were done sorting.

You can print these coin cards to use for sorting at Counting Coconuts.


  1. I like the idea of doing this activity on a workmat!

  2. Love this! Money is such a difficult concept. I've been wondering how to get started introducing it. This is perfect and lots of fun. Thanks.

  3. Great idea for beginning learning! Peanut had this cute poem in 1st grade and I cut out photos of the coins and posted them beside each verse.


    Penny, penny, easy spent,
    Copper brown and worth one cent.

    Nickel, nickel, thick and fat,
    You’re worth 5. I know that.

    Dime, dime, little and thin,
    I remember—you’re worth 10.

    Quarter, quarter, big and bold,
    You’re worth 25, I am told.

    Take Care,
