February 13, 2010

Baby Activity - Black & White Images

N is 3 weeks old and I was reading in "Your Baby's First Year, week by week" by Glade Curtis and Judith Schuler that in the 3rd week a baby starts to make eye contact and focus on more things. They suggested introducing bold, black and white patterns such as a bull's eye, bold stripes or a checkerboard.

I thought it would be a neat thing to try with N. While I was searching for pictures to use I came upon these black and white images (on fussybaby.net). They offer the images in a slide show that you could run on a computer (I'm assuming for a little bit older babies) and a printable poster.

I printed the poster, cut it into fourths and hung it from rings in N's pack n play. I was surprised by how fast it caught her attention and how long she looks at it! It is the perfect thing to keep her calm in the pack n play while I take care of a quick chore.


  1. ugh! why didn't they have this when my guys were babies?

  2. Very cool! I am going to have to try this for Mini!

  3. Thank you! I printed them off individually but larger & I am going to laminate them & hook them to my baby's carseat. :)

  4. Love all your wonderful ideas...that is why I nominated you for "Beautiful Blog" Award...come over to my blog to redeem!

  5. Great idea for your infant! I remember when my little girl was an infant we had a couple black/white toys that I'd hang in her pack-n-play and she'd totally fixate on them!

  6. I am going to print some of these off for Tic Tac. It is great to hear that baby N enjoys these black and white patterns.

  7. What a great thing to put in the pack n play! They are neat pictures too, I'm not surprised that she loves them so much!
