February 20, 2010

Baby Activity - Texture Cards - Need Ideas!

On the blog, Inspiration Surrounds Creativity Abounds she created a really neat Australian Animal Activity (click on the link and scroll down a bit) for her kids where she had them match up the textures on the cards to how they thought the animal might feel.

As I was reading this, I thought about how neat it would be to start collecting different textures for baby N to experiment with. I'm expecting them to also go in her mouth so I'm not sure if putting them on the cards will work.

So I need your help/ideas! If I collect different textured items for N, any ideas on what I could put them on or how I could display them so it is safe for N to handle on her own (not unsupervised of course)?


  1. My 6mo daughter loves this texture book I put together for her:


    I only used fabric and bound it securely so she could play with it and eat it without worrying about choking. I also love that it washes and dries very well =)

  2. I think that is a great idea - maybe you can make a texture blanket!

  3. I made my son a tecture book when he was 15 months and he tore everything off! I can't wait to see what you come up with or what other moms suggest :)

  4. How funny! I just barely bought some fabric pieces and scraps that I was going to use to make a texture book for my little baby. I haven't started it at all yet, but I had the idea to cut out the same shape from each fabric and stitch them onto another fabric and make a book out of it somehow.....I'll post it as soon as I get around to it.

    I love Deborah's idea of making a texture blanket, and I looked at MaryAnne's blog of her texture book. So simple. I love it! Anyways, I'd love to see what you decide to do!

  5. Also, I just gave you some awards over on my blog! Have a good weekend!

  6. I'm not sure where I saw this idea, but you could use can lids (for example, from diced tomatoes), and glue each texture piece to a lid. (You'd have to have the type of can opener that removes the lid without creating sharp edges, of course.)

  7. I like Deborah's idea of a textured baby blanket - sounds pretty durable. What about making textured blocks?

    Thank you so much for featuring my blog on your site.

  8. I like the idea of a texture blanket too.

  9. I made a texture blanket for my daughter when she was a little one. I should pull it out again for her. She used to really enjoy it and somewhere in the shuffle it got put away. Thanks for the idea!

  10. hmmmm so many great ideas! I'll keep you posted on what I try. Thanks so much!!!
