February 19, 2010

NOT a Recommended Activity...

Dumping EVERY toy in the center of the playroom...NOT a recommended activity!

"Don't come in here, Mom! I'm just cleaning up." Should have been my first clue.


  1. ha! yesterday the same thing happened at my house! i should have known it was too quiet upstairs!

  2. lol better than my kids' recent "don't come in, mom" activity. They pulled the sheets off my son's bed, and then used the mattress as a slide.

  3. This happens way too often in my house. I hate it! Tell me that there is some kind of benefit to this - brain stimulation or something - to make me feel better about it!!!!!!!!

  4. This is a normal happening at my house. I have a love hate relationship with toy storage tubs! They are easy to store toys in and great for fast pick up, but also perfect for dumping! Hope it didnt take too much to pick up :)

  5. Looks like my girls bedroom, unfortunatly. I just shake my head! Need to guide them with organization apparently.

    Creative and Curious Kids!

    ps. How is the baby?? :)

  6. oh my goodness! did they really clean it up afterwards - I would have had a nervous breakdown! :)

  7. Ohhhh, I am WAY too familiar with this scene (sometimes the quietness ends with my finding drawings all over the walls too).
    My husband I couldn't take it anymore and all but a few of their toys are in "toy time out" and have been for a few weeks. Interestingly, my kids seem a lot more imaginitive now!

  8. um. did you sneak into my house and take pictures?

  9. haha I'm so glad I'm not alone with this =)! Yes it got cleaned up right after I had a small adult tantrum. =)

  10. That looks familar :) I left you an award at http://almostunschoolers.blogspot.com/2010/02/beautiful-blogger-and-sunshine-awards.html

  11. This is what juliet's room looks like every day after "naptime". :) hilarious!

  12. This what my son does every. single. day. Sometimes more than once a day, if I clean up during nap time. We most definitely haven't mastered the "put this toy up before you get out the next one" rule. It drive me nuts!!

  13. This picture looks like my living room on a daily basis :) ...love your blog!

  14. Hahahahaha! Looks like someone was having a grand ol' time!
