February 17, 2010

Bored with Your Puzzles?

Sometimes your child does a puzzle so many times that they get bored and don't want to do it again.
Sometimes the puzzle is too hard so your child tries it once and doesn't want to revisit it. Sometimes the puzzle is the right difficulty level but seems to "babyish" for your son or daughter.

Do any of these sound familiar?

If so, try hiding the puzzle pieces!

Simply hiding the pieces around the room adds a new excitement to putting the puzzle together.

Sometimes we find them in a certain order and sometimes no order at all. B has even started hiding his own and finding them. Love that! =)

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  1. Great idea for making puzzles a bit more interesting and fun!

  2. what a great idea! I agree they do get bored of the puzzles - this would definitely spice it up! :) Thank you for sharing!

  3. What a great idea! I also started making puzzles out of cereal and cracker boxes. My girls have a new found love of them.

  4. This is a great idea for those puzzles!

    It reminds me of a really good post I read on The Moveable Alphabet about Fetching and Pairing: http://themoveablealphabet.blogspot.com/2010/01/fetching-and-pairing-in-primary.html

  5. Great idea! One that is so good, you smack your forehead and wonder why you didn't think of it!

  6. hey! sounds like we're all hiding things this week :*)

    great idea!

  7. Fun- my little guy will love this!

  8. I love it! You have such good ideas. Also, thanks for the info. on the moveable alphabet!! I found the boxes at the Dollar Tree and wanted to make sure I gave her credit!

  9. What a great idea! As a mommy of a puzzle-loving-boy, adding this fun element will just make his dreams come true!

  10. That's fun idea. Another one I've heard of is to put 2 or 3 puzzles side by side and then mix all the pieces together to make it more difficult.

  11. Ooh, a puzzle piece scavenger hunt would definitely add a new dimension to this activity! Thanks!

  12. I like this idea! I'm always trying to find ways to extend the life of our puzzles. :) Another something I've done is to fill a baking dish with dried beans and have them go fishing for the pieces. Also, I had my 4 year old set a puzzle once using a small suction cup to pick up the pieces (we have a zillion laying around from dart guns). Thank you!
