March 31, 2010

Listening Matching Game

fun games for kids
While you are getting your Easter supplies out, give this activity a try....

Fill your plastic eggs with different materials (2 eggs of each material) and try to match them up just by shaking and listening.

I got this package of eggs at the Target dollar spot. I liked that they were striped so B wouldn't get confused and start matching them by color. In the different eggs I put a penny, 2 lima beans, rice, and macaroni. He helped me pick things to fill them with.

It was easier than I thought it was going to be and it was interesting to see how B went about figuring them out. After he played the game twice, he then wanted all of the eggs from his Easter basket out and he started filling them with random things from the playroom which was quite the mess!
For a TON of awesome Easter activites for all ages check out Delicious Ambiguity: "Eggstravagant" Easter Activities!


  1. What a great idea! I am going to try this with my kids!. I don't have striped eggs, but I will use all the same color. Thanks for sharing this!

  2. Fun! You could tie it in w/ five senses activities. This one for hearing. I did a couple of guessing games for the sense of smell-it was a hit w/ my kiddos.

    Creative and Curious Kids!

  3. I LOVE this!! I made mine with 2 shades of the same color, which made it WAY too easy. Maddie just matched by color without bothering to listen to the sounds. Grrr. I'm totally down for making a Target trip to get some fancy striped eggs and trying again!

  4. I have done this too, but ran out of ideas of what to fill the eggs with lol!

  5. What an awesome idea!!! love it! I have tried a few other activities from your site and everything so far has been a hit! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Great idea!!! Thank you so much for sharing! I love the striped eggs. I will have to look for those. You make a good point about matching colors. I am excited to try this and help my little one listen with a purpose.

  7. We did the auditory eggs earlier this week. Older kids might like the scrambled sight word game too

  8. I think to this blog entry.

  9. How funny that you put a penny in your eggs too! Just another reason that we must be twins separated at birth! I love the idea of matching the different sounds. Awesome! I'll have to remember that for next year!
