April 20, 2010

"Eat, Nap, Play" (Plus a Giveaway!)

A few weeks ago, B played with playdough for over an hour. At that moment, I decided I would run out and get him every color of playdough I could find. If he was going to love playdough I'd get him everything he needed to make the best playdough things. We picked it out, got home, unpacked it all and he played with it for 2 minutes and then walked away from it all. Has that ever happened to you? Or your child is at a friend's house playing with a toy and you think "Oh he loves that! I should get him one." and then you get one for your house and he isn't interested at all? Thoughts like that popped into my head as I read "Eat, Nap, Play" and I realized it's not about the actual playdough or toy, it's about the quality time or interactions that took place at that moment that made those things fun.

"Eat, Nap, Play: How to Get Even More Out of Your Child's Day for Less" by Robyn Spizman and Evelyn Sacks is full of ideas about how to spend quality time with your kids and spend less money. If you work in the home or outside of the home, if your children are toddlers or teens, this book has cost-effective, low-maintenance ideas to help build memories and have fun with your family.

This book got me excited about building memories and having spontaneous fun with our chilren in an inexpensive way. Sometimes I get caught up in needing to buy things to make the fun happen, but this book reminded me how small, simple things really made the difference.

Read more about "Eat, Nap, Play" and the other ways it inspired me and enter to win a copy of your own at The Activity Mom Giveaway Site.

A copy of this book was sent to me to review. These views and opinions are my own and I was not compensated in any other way.  

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you enjoyed the book! Thanks so much for being part of the tour!
