April 29, 2010

Opening & Closing

I've seen this activity all over the internet and have been so excited to try it with B! I saved up quite a few containers that open in different ways. I put a penny in each container and told Blake he could put the pennies in his bank if he could get them out of the containers and close them back up.

This is a great activity for motor skill development! I had containers that twisted, lifted, and flipped open.

Other items to put inside the containers:
words on pieces of paper that make a sentence
paper clips

This activity is too fun, simple, and inexpensive to not give it a try!

Sharing this idea at:


  1. I've never seen this activity- what a great idea for fine motor dvpt. Before we know it, our babies will be doing activities like this. Little man is 4 months now- trying to savor every moment!

  2. Over from Mom Loop....

    Love this idea. This looks like a great resource. Since I'm pressed for time, are there anything you can recommend for the under 1 yo crowd? Just tell me which label to look at and I'll do it.

  3. Pennies!! How did I not think of that?! We have this tray and I havent thought of putting pennies inside, I was trying to find some cute trinket. Thanks for the idea!

  4. Great idea! John is so into closing lids right now so I bet he would love it! :)

  5. This is such a fun idea. I think this would keep my youngest occupied for a long time. :)

  6. I love this idea! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Wow! I can't wait to try this activity with Christopher.

  8. Great idea, mama! Glad to find your blog and following. I am always looking for fun, new activities for my kiddies. Looks like I'll be learning a lot from you.

  9. I love this idea! Where were bloggers like you when my kids were toddlers??

    BTW: Thanks for stopping by my blog today... come back again -

  10. I love this idea! I can't wait to try it with Sweet Pea!
