April 8, 2010

Which One of These Things Just Doesn't Belong?

Which one of these things just doesn't belong? Which one of these things just isn't the same?
Do you remember that song on Sesame Street when we were kids? Now I realize what an important skill they were teaching. A higher level of learning takes place when you take something you already know or are working on and group, sort, or categorize it.

This impromptu game is yet another one I can't take credit for. B had out our picture cards that go to our ABC Board (Beginning Letter Sounds) and asked me, "Mom, which one doesn't start with D?" and he gave me the choices. He knew the answer, but he wanted to play the game. I couldn't believe I hadn't thought of it before.

Not working on letter sounds? Have older children?
This game can be adapted for any age and any subject. For example, if your child is working with odd or even numbers take 2 even and 1 odd and ask which one doesn't belong. If your child is learning about animals take 2 that eat plants and 1 that eats meat and ask which one doesn't belong.

Sharing this idea at:


  1. Now I have the Sesame Street song stuck in my head.

  2. Oooh I like this-great idea!

  3. I started singing the song right away like Ticia! I love Sesame Street and have done this w/ my kids as well. I start singing the song and they know what I'm playing. Cute beginning sound photos.

    Creative and Curious Kids!

  4. Thanks for the reminder! I had forgotten the song.

  5. We love playing these kinds of games too - they are great for logical skills and for reinforcing any subject you might want to teach. Great post!
