April 9, 2010

Who is The Activity Mom?

Ultimate Blog Party 2010

Who is The Activity Mom?
When I first started blogging, I thought it was kind of cool to be mysterious about who I am and to refer to myself as "The Activity Mom". Then I started developing friends in "blogger land"  and it felt wierd that I knew all about them and they didn't even know my real name. So in honor of the 2010 Ultimate Blog Party I want to introduce myself and then leave you with a fun activity to try at home today. Both will be quick and simple, which is what my blog is about.

What is this blog about?
* I love sharing simple and effective activities that help children learn in a fun way.
* My goal is to share these activities that inspire other moms to say, "Hey, I can do that!".

Who am I really?
* My name is Nicole, a former teacher and mother of 2 (a 3 year old and a newborn)
* Since the birth of my 2nd child, there are days that I don't leave the house at all (which was unheard of before) and the blogs I follow or the readers that leave comments give me a few moments of "adult time".
* My favorites: caffine, shopping (love Target), crafts, candles, and reading.

My Goals for 2010:
*To lose the baby weight!
*To find a balance between being a mother of 2 kids, a wife, running a house, and taking time for myself.
*To improve my cooking and/or find easy, nutritious, tasty meals  that I can serve my whole family.

A Quick Activity to Try at Home Today!

Make an Outline Puzzle:
Take a few objects (shapes, coins, keys, letters, numbers, themed items, cookie cutters, etc.) from around the house and trace them onto a piece of paper. Give your child the piece of paper and the objects and have them match them up like a puzzle.

There are so many prizes to win at the 2010 Ultimate Blog Party! The top 3 things I'd like to win are:
#23 $50 Gift Certificate to Monogrammed-Gifts.com
#35 Hobo International Clutch Bag from Super Hero Boy
#61 $25 e-certificate to Toys R Us from Frugally Fabulous Mom

Do you have a new baby or know someone who does? Make sure to enter The Woombie Giveaway!


  1. Welcome to the party! I already follow your lovely blog :)

  2. Thanks for posting about this yesterday!

  3. I'm going to do the activity with Aiden this evening ~ GREAT IDEA! I love your blog and am glad to finally know your name!

  4. There are days I don't leave the house either which was definitely unheard of before becoming a mom! I always used to use just artsy_momma but decided my real name is okay too :P

    I would say I am stopping by from the UBP but I already LOVE & follow your awesome blog!

  5. Well nice to meet you Nicole:) Love your idea! Super easy! I can do that!
    Have a great UBP!

  6. Oh, wow. I wish I'd found your blog when my kids were little. I made homemade playdough about a kajillion times because I am not creative at activities! Nice meeting you; enjoy the UBP!

  7. Welcome to the party! I love your ideas! Come over and say hey sometime! I am a fellow homeschooler:)

  8. Awesome blog! Just stopping by from the UBP 2010. It very nice to meet you!
    Have a great day!


  9. Stopping by from the party! Just saying hello to tell you I stopped by.

  10. Thanks for already following - glad to have you! 1st time joining the 2010 UBP too! Didn't know we had the same 1st name!
    :) Nicole

  11. Hi! I already follow your blog too, thanks for stopping by, I love your blog! Hope you have fun at the "party"! :o)

  12. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I'm following you now too!
    Have a great weekend! :)

  13. I follow your blog and am glad to get to know you a little better. I am off to check out the party!!!

  14. Love it, Nicole. I am a part of the party this year, too, and it's so exciting!

    You are an inspiration, and I think that MANY people look at your blog and leave with awesome ideas.

    Thanks for all you do!

  15. I really like your blog!! What kinds of things did you do when your 3 year old was 1?? I have a 13mo old and because I live in wyoming (where its super cold more than half the year!!) I just try to find activties that are easy for him.

    I came over from UBP. Check mine out if you get a chance =)

  16. oh you are brave to reveal your IRL name! I'm not sure I am quite there yet! LOVE that activity - and my girls would adore that too!! I'm with you on trying to find time for one self! Thanks for the visit

  17. How fun to finally officially know your real name. I did the same thing for about 1 month, and then gave in and used my real name.

  18. Just wanted to stop by and say hi from the UBP.

  19. Stopped in from UBP 2010

    I'm the same way about not leaving the house! Reading blogs and interacting with other bloggers is really the only social interaction I have on most days.


  20. I am already a follower of yours but I just wanted to stop by and say hey! Happy Partying!

  21. Hi-stopping by from UBP. I think it's completely ok not to leave the house somedays. I prefer it that way, myself!

  22. Here from UBP! What a fun blog!

  23. Thanks for stopping by our blog. I'm super excited about all the refreshing, simple ideas. Our son (who was adopted at 2 1/2) has a lot of catching up to do and I had forgotten about all these types of developmental things since my older two play self sufficiently now.


  24. that's a great header - I love to journal!
    Happy Blog Party

  25. HI! Glad I checked your blog today...I joined the party!

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Hi Nicole:

    Great to meet you and thanks for stopping by my blog already. I have to agree with you that Pomegranate is one of the best scents (but then I say that about a lot of them - there are so many great ones to choose from). When paired with Sugar Cookie, Pomegranate is even better.

    Great blog that you have here. Enjoy the party and have a scent-sational day!


  28. Thanks for visiting my blog! What a great idea for a blog you have here! I'm a former Kindergarten teacher-this is fun stuff.

  29. thanks for stopping by my blog! I have to try your hidden toy game with my kids! glad I found your blog

  30. Thank you for stopping by my blog! I am definitely going to be visiting yours again. I am going to do the activity above tomorrow morning with my little boy. Thanks!

  31. Hi,
    What a great blog you have! I am a homeschool mom and I will come back after the UBP10 and check out more of your things. I am also following your blog.


  32. Your blog is a blast. Makes me wish my kids were small again. We did these kinds of things, and I think these activities are what makes us so close today. At 12 and 14 they aren't too cool to do family projects. Keep up the great work and great sharing.

  33. Great blog! I love finding new and creative activities for my kids. I'll be following you.:)

  34. Thanks for your comment on my blog! I'm so thrilled to find you - I have an almost 3 y.o. myself and am excited to find activities specifically geared toward her and that I can do without a lot of prep work! Awesome!

  35. Hi!Stopping by from the UBP. Have been a follower for a while. Enjoy your posts.

  36. Thanks for stopping by Cook Clean Craft and helping me find your blog. I'm definitely going to have to make an outline puzzle, although it might be a while before my little man can work it out. I love finding new ideas to play with my man. Happy UBP!

  37. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Love your blog! Happy Monday! Enjoy UBP10!


  38. Thank you for stopping by my blog. I am glad you did. I am always looking for things to do with my younger two girls while school is in session and big sis is gone. Following you now.

  39. What a great blog! Thanks for the visit!

    Happy UBP!

  40. That "only moment of adult interaction thing" is a big part of why I started blogging. I love your blog, can't wait to read more.

  41. What a fun blog! Love your ideas and I plan on coming back and reading more. Happy UBP!

  42. What a great blog! I found you via the UBP 2010 party that I have my blog on. I wish I had seen your blog last week during spring break! But, as the kids remind me, only 44 more days till summer! Good and scary..so I will be bookmarking your site to find lots of things to do w/the kids this summer!

    And I can't wait to check out the hilarious blog too. We have to laugh every day as moms!!!

  43. I visit your blog often to check great ideas that you come up with. I hope that more people will visit during UBP and will stay on as loyal readers. Happy partying.

  44. I'm always looking for activities for my toddler. Subscribing to you blog.

  45. OK, that is a good idea! All my kids would enjoy that! Thanks. I think I will follow for other ideas.

    Please stop by my party post @ http://missionalmamassoul.blogspot.com/
    and consider following too.


  46. What a really cute quick activity! Love it.

    Here from UBP and now a follower.

  47. I love and already follow your blog but thought I'd say hello. Keep up the great posts and see you at the party.

  48. Hi! Popping in from the UBP. I love the design of your blog - it feels so calming! I'm off to read some more of your posts. Have a wonderful week!

  49. Hi...visiting from the UBP. Like your site. Now following.


  50. Hi,
    Stopping by from the UBP.
    I really like your blog.
    Stop by mine sometime.

  51. Hey! Thanks for swinging by! LOVE the outline puzzle idea! Brilliant! Yay for the UBP! What a treat to be able to connect!

  52. Hey there! I know what you mean about not leaving the house some days (although I do leave at least once a day to take my daughter to school). Blogging & talking to other bloggers is often the only time I talk to an adult other than my husband or mom! Glad to see you on the UBP!

  53. Hi.. Thanks for stopping by my blog!
    Merry Happy UBP!!!

  54. Hi Nicole! I found you from the party and wanted to say hi! I LOVE the concept of your blog and will be following you. I have a three year old that I'd like to find activities for while I'm schooling his older sister so I'm really excited about this! Happy partying and have a blessed week!

  55. Hi, I popped in from the 2010 Ultimate Blog Party and am so glad I did. I'm always on the lookout for fun and educational activities for grandparents and their grandchildren of all ages. I will definitely enjoy following you :)

  56. Came by as part of the UBP '10 - and found so many cute ideas. I LOVE the felt pizza! Thanks for sharing!

  57. I am your newest follower from UBP...I am so happy I found your blog - so many good ideas.


  58. Great blog....and I want to read more....This is such a fun party and I have already met some of the greatest bloggers... I am sad it is about to end. I am amazed at all the different and creative blogs. Stop by for a visit...just leave a comment on any of the last few posts on either blog and you are eligible for the GRAND PRIZE $100 GIFT BASKET! I am going to draw Friday night.....

  59. Stopping by from UBP. Great blog. I am always looking for great activities to do with my little one and inspiration to create some my own too!

  60. Nice to meet you Nicole...fun activity! Can't wait to check out more of your ideas!

    Hope you are having fun at the UBP!

    Jenni ("Miss Tutu")
    My UBP blog post: How to Make a Tutu blog - hope you will stop by, say hi, and grab a free tutu making lesson! :) and Mom Blogger $100 Cash Contest

  61. Found your blog - UBP 2010! Very fun and great ideas! I love finding all these other great blogs and meeting other Moms that blog! http://christiwilliams.blogspot.com/

  62. I am stopping by from the Ultimate Blog Party!I am your newest follower, and I Love your blog! Please visit my blog when you get the chance. http://www.gigglingkids.blogspot.com

  63. Stopping by from the UBP. I LOVE the concept of your blog. I always need activities for my little one... I am so subscribing for more ideas!

  64. I'm always on a search for new fun things to do with my kids! So glad I found your blog! Thank you!

  65. so happy to find your blog!
    Love your ideas and look forward to following!

  66. mentioned you in my after party post!!

