May 19, 2010

ABC Hunt

Do you have one of these at your house? I just bought one at the second hand store and was immediately overwhelmed by the amount of primary colors in my home. =) After awhile, it probably gets boring just taking the letter pieces in and out. So here are a few more ideas about how to use this bright, ABC mat!

ABC Beginning Sounds Hunt

We searched the house for things that started with each letter. I had two rules with this hunt. 1) Only one object on each letter and 2) After we were done and showed Dad, it had to be picked up.
It was so fun! Without the play food and animals it would have been hard to fill up.

Other ideas with this ABC Mat:
Use a play hammer to pound in the letters
Match magnetic letters to the letters on the mat
Match lowercase letters to the letters on the mat
Spell words with the letter pieces
Find books that begin with each letter
Jump from letter to letter to spell your name
Jump from letter to letter to spell CVC words
Jump to a letter that makes the sound ___.
Race to see how fast you can put the puzzle back together

Sharing this idea at:
abc button


What Works For Me Wednesday


  1. My step-son has one of these and we make puzzles by hiding a word in the whole thing. One letter per line in the word, and you can skip lines. He's really good at making some tough ones for us!

  2. We don't have one but that is a great idea! I'm going to hunt for one on Craigslist!

  3. Thanks so much for stopping by :) I'll admit that I have been a bit of lurker here for a while now, sorry :)

    Hmmm, perhaps you could trace the letters?

  4. I LOVE this idea! We have one of these mats that's been sitting in my son's closet because it seemed kind of like a pain to pull out just so he could crawl around on. Now I've got some great ideas for what to do with it! THANK YOU!

  5. So many great ideas! Too bad I gave mine away before little man was born. :(

    Jen from Creative and Curious Kids!

  6. Another idea is to have your child toss a bean bag on the mat. And then he has name the letter it lands on, or say the sound it makes or a word that starts with that letter :)

  7. Great ideas everyone! Our boys actually build 3-D buildings with these things. We color coordinate the walls and roof and decide which letters make the best windows. We play a Simon Says type letter game and Hopscotch.

  8. I have one of these I got at a toy swap. We use it in many ways too. I just bought a table size version at CVS for a dollar. I can't wait to take it out to use.

  9. You always have such great ideas...we didn't end up getting them for Brady (though I wanted to)...I am making sure to get them for Ethan

  10. BTW,,,the follow sure brought a warm fzzy feeling to my heart,,Thanks so much~~~Big Iowa HUgs Dena

  11. We don't have a mat like this, but it's a really cute idea!

  12. Great idea! I'll have to look for some of those in my garage sale adventures. Are they sturdy enough to make some squares and roll like dice?

  13. Stacie,
    Yes, just tried mine to make sure. They do fit together well, but when you roll them the letters fall out.

  14. What GREAT ideas, thanks so much for sharing!!
    From Alissa@ Excuse Me Mrs.C!

  15. I have a mini one...each square is about 3x3--so it isn't quite as overwhelming :)

    I really like the idea you have about collecting items from around the house and putting them on the block. Awesome! Thanks for sharing,
