May 18, 2010

Quick Tip - Secret Magnetic Wall

Did you know that you can buy a quart of magnetic primer, paint a few coats on a small section of a wall, cover it with your regular paint color, and you will have a secret magnetic wall?

I did this in B's playroom and it's so fun! I (The picture doesn't do it justice. We had a lot of family pics and B's name in big letters that I didn't want to show.) Our wall is textured so it really required quite a few coats and only very strong or large magnets work on it which is a bummer because I wanted the Leapfrog fridge phonics sets to go on there. When B was about 12 months, I bought those wooden animal shapes from Hobby Lobby and made them into magnets. There are so many possibilities! Wouldn't it be neat on the side of a cupboard or a door if you were going to repaint it anyway?  


  1. What a great idea! My mind went crazy on what I could do with that! Thanks for the warning about the powerful magnets too.

  2. That is amazing! What a great idea!

  3. I love this - my grandparents have a magnetic wall in their kitchen where they display the pictures of their 22 grandchildren...and 4 great grandchildren.

    We are thinking about using the chalkboard paint in Brady's room.
