May 8, 2010

Baby Activity - Organizing ALL of the Clothes!

Have you ever looked through your baby's closet and come across a new outfit, with tags still on it, that your baby never wore but is now too small?  Use closet tags to organize the closet. Group the clothes by size and hang the tags in between. This has helped us so much. Now I can look at the size ahead and see what we need and look for it on sale.

They sell plastic tags made for this at Babies R Us, but I think it is so fun to make your own to match your nursery colors or put your baby's name on them.


  1. I love this idea!! I was thinking of a unique baby gift for some friends of mine and this would be AWESOME! Thank you for sharing the idea!

    I'm a follower and big fan!!

    Happy Mother's Day

  2. That is great! I love that idea. I had those cheap looking plastic ones to organize. You are definitely crafty!

  3. Such a cute idea! I just have my Daughter's hanging in order, might hop down to the craft store and do this! Thanks :-)

  4. what a great idea. adorable tags too.

  5. Great idea!! Can't wait to do this!! Thanks for stopping by!

  6. I love this idea too. It is so had to tell at the stage where one size starts and other ends.

  7. Look at you, Mrs. Organization! It's so cute, too!

  8. I love this idea - thanks so much! These would work great for my garage sale coming up as well - there is a bunch of us that sell baby clothes and this will be a great way to organize - and it's eye catching!!

  9. I love those! And believe me, we need all the organization help we can get in this family; especially with three boys!

    I left you an award over at my blog. Stop by to pick it up when you get a chance!

  10. That would make a nice gift for a new mother on Mother's Day! Thanks for the idea! Now, I just need to get to work.

  11. How cute!!! What a great idea!

    Happy Mother's Day! I hope your day was great! :)

  12. these are adorable and I am so happy I found your blog. I was given the sunshine award as well and found you through her blog. Please visit my blog and check out my shoppe

    thanks, sarah

  13. This post was selected as one of my great posts of the week. Here is the link to my post:

  14. What a great Idea! I cant tell you how many new clothing items have been donated because I never found them in time to fit! I am following from Mom Loop Friday follow

  15. I love this idea!! I love organized clothes and am always looking for better ways to utilize closet space! Great post :)

    I'm your newest follower via google reader.

    -Shopper Gal
