May 1, 2010

Baby Activity - Teething

B got his first tooth around 4 months and baby N sure is chewing on her fingers and drooling a lot. It made me start thinking about creative ways to help relieve some of the discomfort that comes with teething.

For smaller babies like N, the cold teething rings seem too big to really chew on and are difficult for her to hold on to.  Once B was a little older and on the move, he wasn't interested in a teething ring either.

So here's a list of some creative ideas that have worked for me and for some other moms at Mom Loop. If you have any ideas to add to the list, let me know and I'll add them with a link to your blog!

Creative Ideas for Smaller Babies:
cold, wet washcloth
homeopathic teething tablets (Hylands) - Liz of a belle, a bean, & a Chicago dog and Shannon of Tales of our Baby Gator, Gillian Grace
A net teether with partly frozen fruit inside - Shannon of Milk and Cuddles
The Amber Necklace - Angie of Wife, Lawyer, Mother
Buzz N Bite - Natalie of Mommy of a Monster (I mean Toddler) and Infant Twins
Fill pacifier with water and freeze - Tonia of M T Heads Full Hearts
twist a wet washcloth and freeze - My 3 Little Ducks
A baby sock knotted on the end with an ice cube inside - The Great Adventures of D and Q

Creative Ideas for Older Babies:
frozen blueberries
yogurt straw - put yogurt in a straw with a clip on one end, freeze, and let your child chew the yogurt out
frozen peas - JDaniel4's Mom
frozen mini bagels - Christine of 2 by 2
frozen pancakes - My 3 Little Ducks


  1. I will need to stop back and read over this post when I have more time. Little man has been slobbering like crazy. Looks like he is foaming at the mouth-lol.
    Have a good Sat.
    Creative and Curious Kids!

  2. What a great list! I can't believe I made it.

  3. love your site! i like how all the ideas and advice are consolidated so i don't have to go to twenty sites just to find different ideas!

  4. Thanks for including my suggestion....I was glad to help! And I agree with what Alicia said - it's nice to have one place to look for information :)

  5. My little bebah is teething like nobodies business right now. Thank you for the ideas on frozen foods!

  6. A (new or very clean)baby sock with one ice cube inside and knotted closed. You can hit it (the sock, not baby!) on a hard surface so there is crushed ice in the sock.

  7. Camilia, homeopathic drops for teething relief are a new thing i've found and they are working wonders for my 7 month old.

  8. Great Post - happy that I made the list :)
    My little guy is drooling like crazy, but doesn't seem to be in any pain/discomfort - at 4 1/2 months I don't know if it's just early or if the Amber Necklace is actually working?!

  9. I don't have a baby but I've heard frozen waffles (like eggos) work really well because the little squares catch all the drool.

  10. great list...both of our little guys had teeth at four months.

    A hard pear works (once they are on food) - if you are concerned with little ones biting a piece put it in the freezer for a bit (don't completly freeze) first.

  11. Thankyou! This is great, we may be using some of these very soon. Hopefully. Because that has to explain my little one's change in behaviour over the past few days. Otherwise I'm in big trouble!

  12. THANK YOU for posting this. While visiting my cousin last week, her 5 month old was teething and it made me dread the day. No mama likes her baby being in pain! In fact, I'm going to forward this post to her.

    I just gave you an award over at my blog :)

  13. I love your blog!!!! There are so many projects I am dying to do!!
