May 27, 2010

Fun with Bean Bags

I won an awesome set of number bean bags from Spotted Whale in a giveaway hosted by JDaniel4s Mom and couldn't wait to see all of the activities we could do with them.
We had so much fun throwing them, putting them in numerical order, hopping over them and then clapping that many times, but our favorite game to play with them is pictured here:

Remember the Bozo game show from when we were younger? You had to try to throw the ping pong ball in the buckets to win prizes. We made our own version.
We collected containers and put numbers by them. Then we threw the corresponding bean bag into the correct container. We spent a ton of time doing this. We went in order, mixed them up, caught and tossed them in, etc..
You could also do this with regular bean bags, all types of balls, or even wet sponges (outside)! 


  1. I LOVE beanbags, but sadly this is one thing we do not have in our stash here! Will have to grab some for the summer months!

    Looks like fun!

  2. I love them too. I tried to order some for a birthday gift and she is on maternity leave. What fun ideas!

  3. We never use our beanbags, but now I have a fun new idea for them! We will do this today (it's raining)! Thanks.

  4. You must have grown up in the Chicago area! I remember my cousin making it onto the Bozo buckets game. I was so jealous! LOL! My older kids each made a set of bean bags as a sewing project. My little ones love to use them. Ours don't have numbers on them though--those look cool!

  5. So cool, what a great idea! I loved bozo when I was a kid too.

  6. Great idea. Love your blog.

  7. Thanks for featuring me! I added your button.
