May 26, 2010

On a Walk Scavenger Hunt

Have you ever been on a walk with your children and halfway through they shout that they are bored? That happens to me all of the time. So I tried this "On a Walk Scavenger Hunt". I printed simple pictures that we had a good chance of seeing on our walk. Use sticky notes or stickers to cover the pictures so that you can reuse the list again on your next walk.
Make sure to mention to your child that you might not find ALL of the things on your walk. I didn't think to do that and B was really bummed that we didn't see a cat that day!


  1. That is such a great idea! I have to try that. You have a new follower! Come visit me at Mama's Little Chick.

    Mama Hen

  2. I love this idea! I take my kids out walking at least 3 days a week and they get so bored in the stroller! This will definitely help! Thanks for the GREAT idea!

  3. My kids get bored on the way back from the park... pretty much every time we go! This is great! Hopefully, it will help them focus on something other than their tired feet and thirsty throats.

  4. you have some brilliant ideas, great blog, this is my new blog, please take a look

  5. I have been wanting to do something like this- this seems simple enough for my 2 year old :)

  6. Neat :) I'm definitely going to try this out. Thanks for letting me know about the featured button! I'll be adding it to my blog. By the way, I love your new blog design :)

  7. This is a great idea!!! With school about to be out, We have a full day to fill with activities... Im already tired! Thanks for sharing your idea! Love it!

  8. There's so many variations you can make of this. Thanks for a wonderful idea! Didn't think of using post its...I'll have to try that!

  9. What a great idea! Thanks for following my blog (littlelearnerlounge)- I'm now a follower of yours as well! Great stuff!
