May 5, 2010

Ideas for Fun with Playdough

I was so excited the day that B figured out that he liked playdough! I decided if he was going to sit down and play with it for OVER an HOUR then I would get him MORE colors and I'd search for MORE ways to play with it!

Here's what I found:
Open a Bakery
Make a Birthday Cake or Ice Cream Cones
Stick Mr. Potato Head Pieces into it
Use Toothpicks to Make Buildings
Make a road and drive cars through it
Make Snakes
Make boats and see if they float in water
Make a path and have toy animals leave their tracks behind

Also, here's a printable set of  letter playdough mats from Our Worldwide Classroom!

**Update: After buying more colors and finding more ideas, B hasn't touched the playdough at all. =)


  1. That always happens to me too! The kids like something, I stock up and they lose interest! Sigh!

  2. He'll come back to it soon. I've noticed my kids go in waves with play dough. Just leave it there and it'll be played with.
    My kids stick Playmobil in theirs.

  3. I'll definately check out the mats! I recently gave toddler some cookie cutters to play with, and that worked out really good!

  4. Thanks for the ideas!
    If only play do was not so messy!

  5. Thanks for the new ideas! My boys will love the toothpick buildings and the road idea. We also like making or buying scented "play doh" We love the aromatherapy doh from Mama K's on Etsy. It smells awesome!

  6. Another way we use it, is by playing with it on a vertical space--like our sliding glass door. The kids smoosh it on and then use cookie cutters on the slider.

  7. JDanel loves to drive cars through it.

  8. My son also loves play-doh! It's great. I make it homemade, so it's not a huge investment. Anyway, I love your blog and gave you an award:


  9. Great ideas.

    Play-doh and I have a love/hate relationship. I love how busy it keeps my kiddos, but truly, truly hate, I'm sorry, dislike the mess everywhere.

    Love your blog.

  10. B sounds like Anna - now she likes it, now she doesn't. But I like all your ideas, and some of them might work here as well.

  11. isn't that how it goes???? it seems the more WORK and TIME and MONEY i invest in an activity, the less popular it is. (you would think that all i really need to buy are free balloons at the grocery store.) i would take the playdough away completely for a few weeks and then reintroduce it. then it will be more appealing! and then maybe have a fun place to play it that is out of the ordinary- like outside or on colorful trays (Ok, not the most exciting places!)
