May 4, 2010

Add It!

Don't forget to enter the Custom Monogrammed Baby Blanket
I found this game at Confessions of a Homeschooler and she generously offers it as a free printable.
This is how you play "ADD IT": Pick a flash card, put it on the right side of the game board. Use counters to put next to each number. We used buttons. Use the "Add It" scooper to push the buttons down, count them and put the answer on the flashcard.
Let me just say that B doesn't know how to add yet, but that doesn't mean we couldn't play this and it doesn't mean your child can't either. I had B count out buttons for the top two numbers and scoop them down. I counted the total and he picked the number that represented the sum. It is such a fun, hands on way to experience adding or an introduction to adding. Again, if your child isn't ready for addition, work on this fun game together and give him a small task (such as counting or pointing) and you model and talk through the rest. They are learning as much from listening and seeing you try it as they are from doing their part.

She is also sharing a "Subtract It" printable that I can't wait to try!


  1. how fun! I will have to try this soon with John! :)

  2. Wow!! Sounds like fun math. I will try it with my daughter Zara.

  3. That does look like fun! I'm printing out a copy too.. thanks!! :-)

  4. Love the idea! Not sure if I have enough printer ink. Perhaps I can figure out a way to make something similar.

  5. I sure wish there were these tools when I was growing up! Excellent idea, will share it with my sis with a little one.

  6. I've seen it and printed it from Confessions of a Homeschooler but my son doesn't get it yet. In your example after putting the first 4 counters he will add two to make 6!

  7. @Msita - Bring it out and try it again soon. B didn't "get" that he was adding but was introduced to the concept and liked the counting part.
