May 25, 2010

Making a List

The other day, B and I made a list of things we wanted to do. (Looks like an exciting day huh?!) He was so excited to be able to cross things off of the list. He gets that from me I think.  

I've been trying to do a lot of writing in front of him lately to help spark some interest and lists seem to be the easiest way to do that. We've written grocery lists, wish lists, Christmas lists, and letters to grandparents. Next time you are going to the grocery store, write your lists together and have your child bring their list too!

B's shopping list - He outsmarted me and informed me in the store that his list only had things he wanted on it like doughnuts and gummy candies. The whole time I thought he was "writing" what I was writing. =)


  1. Here's a fun idea that my Kindergartener likes to do that promotes writing- she likes to play server and write my food order. She sometimes makes a menu, too. This might be fun for B. Great ideas for beginning writing. I think it would be fun to write a summer fun list, too. As the kids cross out the different things at the end of summer they can see how much we've done together. Pool, camping, zoo, etc.

    Enjoy your day! :)

  2. Thank you so much for your comment. I didn't think Yes, Ma'am was so controversial.

    We sat down as a family to make a grocery list. I asked my husband, "Honey, What do we need?" JDaniel answered peaches and tractor chews. He really only wanted what he wanted too.

    I love the list on activities to cross off during the day. I need to put clean up toys at the top of mine.

  3. Lists are a super way of teaching reading and writing--and how to keep everyone organized!


  4. I was going to recommend a cafe too! I write a menu which means that the words are there to copy. Food is cheap, like 1p, 2p and we draw dots to add up how much the order comes to. I remember when Egg started writing, happy memories :)

  5. I like the idea of list writing - B does a supreme job on his letters. His own list cracked me up :)

  6. Love the lists. Those lists are ones to be cherished. My daughter, Hannah, is a list maker ( in fact she wrote about that today on her blog!). I've saved several of her lists throughout the years -- they're priceless!

    Beautiful post.


  7. Ha ha! Too funny! Great ideas. Now I have to go make a list or two....

  8. We have been using to do lists with our morning meeting. Ryan likes to add things like 'play rocketship'.

  9. Wonderful Idea...thanks so much for sharing!! I hope this helps!!

    Monica @ organized chaos!!
