May 3, 2010

Thank You & Something Exciting Planned!

I just wanted to take a minute and say THANK YOU to all of my readers! Thank you for taking time to read my blog, try the activities, leave comments, and email me!  

The Activity Mom is almost to 1000 readers (about 200 away)! So I've started planning for a 1000 Readers Celebration - A Month of Giveaways to Celebrate and Thank YOU!

To see who the host of 2 Grand Finale prizes will be and to have a chance to earn automatic entries in both Grand Finale Giveaways, head over to The Activity Mom Giveaway site!

Any comments below or on the giveaway site that count for automatic entries are being recorded and will be entered at the time of the giveaways! Thanks!


  1. Almost a 1,0000 readers?! How awesome! Congrats! Maybe the skyscraper building set?!?!? :) Have a blessed day!

  2. I hope it's a wooden kitchen set. Congrats on almost a 1000 readers!

  3. my guess is one of the sort and match sets.

  4. That is very cool! Congrats! My guess is the corner book nook. Beautiful!

    Have a great day!

  5. My guess is the all in one puppet theater~
    just signed up to get your emails and follow you!
    bro2ice at yahoo dot com

  6. How cool! I am guessing the Magneatos.

  7. WOW! Almost 3 zeros following the 1. That's a serious achievement!

  8. Wow! Great blog. Woder how I missed it. Good job! i am sure following u!

  9. congrats! that is awesome! I'm guessing maybe the 4 in 1 flipping art easel?

  10. What a great site! I love soooo much of what they have! I'd love to see them offer one of their bookshelves like the Book Tower. But I'd really love to see a gift card so I could have a guilt free shopping spree!!!!

  11. wow!
    puppet stage?
    art center? There's so much to choose from.

  12. I found your blog through the preschool with mommy blog. You were added as one of her favorites. Congrats on almost 1000 readers. I am now a follower :)

  13. Really cool! I'm gUessing the MAGNEATOS, too. They are sooo creative!

  14. oh my gosh, Nicole!! How exciting! It seems like just yesterday you started blogging, and now look how you've grown to almost 1000 subscribers! You are so talented and creative! Thanks for sharing!!

  15. Congratulations - how exciting!!!
