June 12, 2010

Baby Activity - Flour and Feathers

I love to see N's face when she is touching something new for the first time. Your baby is learning something new each time they have the opportunity to experiment with their senses. Here are a few ideas: 

*At Adventures with Bear, they put a little flour on their baby's high chair tray and let him spread it around with his fingers and experience the texture.

*At A Mommy's Adventures, they gave their baby feathers to experiment with. 

*Finger painting with pudding or cool whip

*Leave a large cardboard box out for your child to crawl and play in

These are also great picture taking opportunities! I can't wait to try these ideas with N in a few months! Do you have anything else that you've tried that I could add to the list?


  1. Great ideas for babies!I will put a link on Twitter and my Fb page!

  2. Oh my! My kids LOVE playing in flour. It's gross that they try to eat it, but babies eat everything and it's sooo fun!

  3. Earlier today I published a post on my blog about crafting with a one year old and some of the activities I have used that work for us.

    The link to the post is:

