June 11, 2010

Phonics Flip Book

This phonics flip book idea from Quirky Momma is so neat! You cut the index card notepad into thirds. In the first section, you put consonants. In the middle, you write vowels and vowel combinations. In the last section you write the consonants again. (You can also add any blends, chunks, or digraphs that you are working on.) 

We had a great time flipping through and making real words and silly words for each other to sound out. I left blank cards at the end of the book to add more later, but B took it upon himself to rip those out and write his own letters. The next thing I knew, all of the papers were ripped out and in a pile and he was using them in a different way. =)

I love this idea for beginning readers. It was inexpensive and easy to make!


  1. I've been making one too!! I hope to post it in the next couple of weeks...It's not even finished being cut yet. No hurry. Glad you did it too.

  2. This looks like one we actually bought a while back. Great idea.

  3. Very Cook - This would work great! Thanks for passing on the idea!

  4. They are such a great learning tool!

  5. This is such a simple, genius idea! Thanks!

  6. Thanks for the idea! I am going to get it going right ahead.
