June 4, 2010

Have an Impromptu Picnic!

I've been working on being more spontaneous lately! I've been trying to do one spontaneous thing each day. It's still a work in progress! On this day it was an impromptu picnic. Obviously it was spur of the moment because I brought out everything in its package and threw it on the blanket but it was so much fun. I let B make the sandwiches and pour the drinks. We will definitely do this again soon. What an easy way to make memories with your children!


  1. Yes! Brilliant. If you had planned the picnic, it might have taken effort in planning then preparing then you might not have enjoyed it, but what you did was so awesome! Maybe I'll keep the word "picnic" in my head, not plan a picnic, but maybe pick a day that we will do something like this.


  2. I love doing that every once in awhile! We'll just park ourselves on the grass in our front yard (cooler at lunchtime!) and picnic away! The kids love it!

    Have a great weekend!

  3. Those are some of hte best picnics.

  4. When I was little, I used to have indoor picnics when the weather was uncooperative.

  5. I can still remember when my Gram would put a sheet across the fence line and we would picnin in oiur home made tent during the summer.Now I do that with my grandson...it is even more fun and Grandma is the MOST fun in the house.

  6. I love the simplicity of your wonderful idea about picnics. If one everyone could do this with their kids at least once in their lifetimes!!
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  7. planned spontaneity! very cute.

  8. My 4 yr old son loves to have Tea parties and this is just what I thought of when I saw your picnic idea. He also loves to pour the "tea" and we have little snacks to go with our party. Love the idea having it outside!
