June 3, 2010

Using Big Dice to Make Words

I got this idea from Amy in the We Teach community.

I wrapped two kleenex boxes in construction paper and wrote consonants on the red box and word family chunks on the orange box (ig, at, op, og, it, an).

Then B threw rolled the dice to make a word. We sounded it out together.

Then I decided to take it one step further and write a list of words that he rolled that made sense and silly words that didn't make sense. We took turns writing them. He really laughed and enjoyed when it was a silly word!

If I had to do this all over again, I would have saved the lists for the 2nd or 3rd time we played. It was too many new things at once, which happens a lot when I get excited about something.

Sharing this at:
Word Play 125 Square


  1. You have so many great ideas- thanks for passing this one on!

  2. I really like this idea! So much fun :)

  3. This is a great idea. Why didn't I think of it. My little girl is in gr 1 and just learning how to make words and dropping letters.
    I love your blog and I'm now a follower.
    Hope you can drop by to visit me at www.threejewelsinmycrown.blogspot.com
    and follow me back. Found your blog through No time for flash cards

  4. This is so fun, and I love how simple they are to make!

  5. I love how big the die are! A wonderful use of the tissue boxes with lots of room for changing it up. I always love ideas like this...

  6. Awesome! My daughter has just started learning words. we have to make them!

  7. LOVE this idea, thanks for linking up!!!! ;-)
