June 1, 2010

Letter Font Sort

Lately, B has been pointing to letters in books and saying "Why'd they make the g (or a) look like that?" So I decided to print the alphabet in different fonts and have him sort it. This was a really neat activity. Not only did it give him practice identifying letters but also putting them in alphabetical order.

These trays are actually wall shelves from Dollar Tree but you can use any type of container to sort.

Below are capital letter and lowercase letter printables:
highlight the text on the entire page to change the font quickly 

**Documents updated on 3-7-12**


  1. Fabulous activity. A big one for my early readers is the a.

  2. Very neat, I've been planning on making a font activity for ages, so thanks (you did read my mind and make this just for me didn't you? :P)

  3. Hmm the pages aren't working for me, just me?

  4. I am totally doing this! Thanks! BJ's preschool teacher said several times that introducing different fonts was very important. :)

  5. ok should be all fixed! If you are still having trouble, let me know!! If you'd like a copy emailed, let me know.

    Yay, so glad you guys will use this! Enjoy!

  6. This is exactly what we needed! And after, you can use the letters to make a collage letter to a friend! Thanks for sharing!
