June 2, 2010

A Keyboard

When B was younger he always wanted to type on my keyboard so I bought him this one from Goodwill for $3. It has been great to use for "his office" and other pretend play!

Here are some other uses for this inexpensive keyboard:
  • Identifying letters and numbers - "Can you find and push the letter B?"
  • Letter Sounds - "Can you push the button with the letter that says /s/?"
  • Spelling your Name - Put letter stickers on the letters of your child's name to practice typing their name
  • Use the arrow keys to talk about up, down, left, and right
  • If you're brave, let your child use your keyboard to see how the letters that they type show up on the screen (using Word).


  1. Great ideas! I did the same thing- got a keyboard from my mom that she wasn't using and let John play with it since he loved banging on the laptop. Now I will just try to be more 'educational' with it! :)

  2. My recently turned 4 year old loves sending e-mails to her Daddy and has for about a year now. She types her C over and over because it's for her and she types her 3 for the same reason. We've now had to switch to 4 and that's throwing her a bit. I also have an old typewriter that all 5 of ours love to type on.

  3. My husband just gave JDaniel is old one. What great activities.

  4. great tip...we were talking about getting one so Brady can work on spelling

  5. Perfect idea! Thanks for sharing!!

  6. That is a great idea!! My daughter LOVES to play with ours... I think it might also buy me some extra time while we work on our computers together :)

  7. what an amazing post. I love it
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  8. Very creative idea. My boy absolutely loved to play with our old keyboard when he was a baby. Come to think of it, he learned his letters very early. Maybe that is why! LOL
