June 7, 2010

Outdoor Water Activities

Give these outdoor activities a try!

Ice Treasures (pictured above)
Fill up different sized containers with water and small toys. Once frozen, run water over the container to get the ice chunk out. Let your child hammer, chisel, and melt the ice away to get the treasure.

Sponge Transfer
2 buckets, 1 person, 1 sponge
Place the buckets on opposite sides of the yard or driveway. Fill up one bucket with water. Give your child a sponge and teach him/her how to wring it out. Challenge your child to fill the empty bucket by soaking the sponge, running to the empty bucket, and wringing out the sponge.

Sponge Toss
2 buckets, 2 people, 1 sponge
Toss the sponge back and forth, each time dipping it into the bucket of water. Depending on age, keep score by giving a point to the person that drops the sponge. The first person to 5 points, loses.

Other great ideas from my Mom Loop friends:

Car Wash - (Idea from Keesler Chaos)
Hook up a sprinkler and let your children ride their bikes, scooters, matchbox cars and cozy coupes through it.

Paint the Driveway - (Idea from Unplanned Cooking)
Give your child a container of water and a paintbrush and let them paint the driveway.

Water Balloon and Shaving Cream Fight - (Idea from Quirky Momma)
Give each kid goggles, a can of cheap shaving cream and water balloons. They can spray each other, paint, or make a mess with the shaving cream and try to pop the water balloons (which is really hard to do when you're slimy). Rinse afterwards with a hose.


  1. The ice treasure is such an awesome idea...my son is going to LOVE this...hmmmm, what am I going to do with my whole 6 min of peace?? LOL.

  2. you know these would all be wildly popular here, we'll have to give them a try.

  3. We like to draw letters, numbers or shapes with sidewalk chalk. Then I ask my daughter to find an (insert letter/number/shape here) she does and then either uses a spay bottle to make it disappear or her favorite the hose. She has loads of (wet) fun!

  4. My boys would LOVE the ice treasures! Such great ideas you have. What would we do without you?!?!

  5. My girls would love a water sponge race. Who can fill up the bucket first? Can have teams w/ Mom and Dad.

  6. We love the ice treasures activity - we did it last summer and it was a huge hit!

    Thanks for these fun ideas!

    Counting Coconuts

  7. Oooh, I am totally doing the ice treasures idea! As always, love ALL your great ideas!!!

  8. Awesome ideas! I can't wait to try these this weekend when it's 100 degrees here!

  9. I tweeted this post tonight. Thanks for sharing these ideas!
