June 8, 2010

Make Your Own Books

Lately we've had a ton of fun making our own books. I tried this about 6 months ago and B wasn't as interested, but now he takes a lot of pride in the finished product and enjoys reading them often. For the color and shape books, I cut things out ahead of time for B to tape on. The I Like and Fish books we kept it simple and just used crayons.

Older children enjoy writing their own stories and making their own books too. It can also be used as a project or an assessment at the end of a unit of study to show how much they have learned or to present an interesting topic.   

These beginning reader books from Little Hands, Big Work are AWESOME! B loves them because they have his name in them and he knows many of the words. I wouldn't have thought to make these if it weren't for her! Right now you can download and print The Bug. The others I typed myself using her stories from here. She uses construction paper to make them and also has a great idea for putting them in an inexpensive photo album!  


  1. My son loves to write his own books. Thanks for the links. I'm going to check them out now.

  2. This is a great idea!

    I save all those Val-Pack paper that come in the mail and then glue them together so that they are blank on both sides (you glue the advertising sides together) and then use them for scrappaper. But I could use them for these books too!

  3. I've decided to make books for Father's Day this year!

  4. My kids love to make books too.

  5. These are great ideas. My oldest daughter loves to write. Yesterday she started writing her autobiography, unprompted (but asking me for help with spelling). My younger two kids (ages 5 and 3) would enjoy having some simpler books that they could make. =) Thanks for the added inspiration!
