June 9, 2010

Saving & Spending

Awhile ago, I made spice jar piggie banks to teach B about the different coins, but I still needed something bigger for him to keep his money in so I used these formula cans. I covered them with paper and let B decorate them.

We talked about the difference between saving and spending and I wasn't sure he really knew what I was talking about. I quickly found out that he knows he would rather spend the money. When he finds a handful of coins he puts an equal amount in each bank but if there is an extra one I let him choose which one to put it in and sure enough he always picks the spend bank to add the extra coin to. I don't blame him!


  1. That's a great idea!!! We do the same thing and it works out really well!

  2. Great idea! I have to find some cans to do this.

  3. This is a good idea! We use the Dave Ramsey bank and there is also a "Give" bank.
