July 23, 2010

Chemistry for Little Ones

I found this fabulous idea at The Science Mommy. Put about 1 cm of milk in a shallow pan and sprinkled food coloring around the outside. Dip a toothpick in dish soap and touch the milk with the toothpick. Watch the reaction that takes place!

I'm not going to tell you what happens because that will ruin the fun. But I will tell you it was so cool, B asked to do it 3 other times. The scientific explanation for this reaction is way over my head, but I do know that it is a quick and easy way to let B "experiment" with Science.

Check out The Science Mommy for more Science ideas!


  1. Fabulous idea!

    Keep up the writing!
    ~Early Childcare Resources

  2. We've done one similar before and it IS very cool. I won't spoil it either I'll just say "go and try it"!
    Donna :) :)

  3. So glad I found your blog you have so many great ideas! can't wait to try this one out with my 2.5 year old tomorrow. Holly

  4. This look so neat. Can't wait to try and it see the result!

  5. Okay. Nothing happened for us. Is it because I used food coloring GEL?

  6. Lana,
    Maybe it is the gel. Try it with regular food coloring. It's quick but as soon as the food coloring hits the milk a swirling effect/reaction takes place. Pretty neat!
