July 22, 2010

What's Missing Part 2

For this activity, I cut pictures out of magazines and then cut part of each picture off. For example, I cut the top off of the vitamin water bottle and the shoe off of the girl.

I showed B a picture (one at a time) and asked him, "What's missing?". He studied the picture, told me what was missing, and then I gave him the two pieces to put together.

This was so simple and easy to prepare and it's a fun critical thinking opportunity for little ones!

Sharing this idea at:
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  1. So creative! It's on my must do list! Thanks for sharing! :)

  2. Oh you clever mommy! My two and a half year old will love this! I'm logging off right away to go find my scissors and a pack of magazines. Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. I just love this blog! I love how creative the ideas are, yet inexpensive, easy-to-do activities! My kind of blog! I just did the high chair water activity with my 7 month old and he LOVED it! I'm off to cut up a magazine for my 3 year old now!

  4. Fun! Such a simple idea to create! This'll be great for my four year old.

  5. A perfect activity - simple, and easy to put together using household items.
