October 23, 2010

5 Little Pumpkins - Resources

 Five Little Pumpkins

Five little pumpkins sitting on a gate.
The first one said, "Oh, my it's getting late!"
The second one said, "There are witches in the air."
The third one said, "But we don't care."
The fourth one said, "Let's run, let's run!"
The fifth one said, "Isn't Halloween fun?"
Then Woooo went the wind
And OUT went the lights.
And five little pumpkins rolled out of sight.

To print what we used on our felt board (pictured above) from DLTK click here.

To print a smaller version from Preschool Printables click here.

Don't have a felt board but still want to enjoy the printables?

*Print it out on cardstock and attach magnets to the back of each piece and use them on your fridge.
*Put tape on the back of the pieces and use them on the front of a cupboard to tell the story.
*Let your child use them to tell the story on the floor.
*Tape them to popsicle sticks to make puppets.

Enjoy this 5 Little Pumpkins Slideshow download from Prekinders

Here are a couple of other Halloween rhymes for your little one.


  1. Thanks for sharing the link to the printables! Like the idea of using them on popsicle sticks. Kerri

  2. I like these ideas! We are doing the Five Little Pumpkins in my classroom this week to teach ordinal numbers! Sarah

  3. I'm using Five Little Pumpkins for my story hour on Thursday. It's such a fun Halloween rhyme. I might go with the popsicle stick idea. Thanks.

  4. I have a freebie at my online store of the 5 Little Pumpkins. Please feel free to download!

  5. This looks like fun! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Thanks for those links. We're doing that poem this week too. I just did a post on some puppets for the poem. http://readysetread2me.blogspot.com/2010/10/5-little-pumpkins-finger-puppets.html
